Classic | Funny | TouchTheir Heart |
To the picture-perfect couple. Isabella & Michael | AndThey Lived HappilyEver After. | Maytoday be only the beginning of a lifetime of dreams come true. |
Never forget how much you love each other. | Forever is aloooooong time! Good luck youguys! | May Your Journey Down the Aisle Lead You to aLifetime Of Happiness. |
May Every Moment Be Filled With Love | Ben:Remember, she's always right. Claire:Remember, you're always right. | Mayyour love grow intoa lifetime of tomorrows |
May Every Dance Feel Like Your First | Keep Getting InTrouble. Never Give Up OnAdventure! | Two lives joinedin friendship, two hearts joinedin love |
Love is a series of choices; Always choose each other. | Talkabout limiting your options: "TilDeath Do Us Part" | Twolives joined in friendship, twohearts joined in love |
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude ofsins." ~1 Peter 4:8 | Wishing You allthe Best in your new lifetogether! In Celebration of the Marriage of... | On this day I marry myfriend. The one I livefor, laugh with andlove. |
"May this very special love always be yours to share, and may God continue to bless your lives with love and happiness" | WishingYou a Lifetime ofHappiness Together | TwoFriends. One Love. Forever. |
May your lovegrow more beautifulwith each passingyear. | To the world youare someone, but tosomeone you are theworld. |
Message Ideas
Want to buy that shiny gift for someone you love but can't think of anything thoughtful to write on it? Maybe we can spark your inspiration with these personalisation message examples.
Classic | Funny | Touch Their Heart |
Thanks For Standing Beside Me | AndThey Lived HappilyEver After. | Friendsmake life more beautiful |
We Live Our Lives in Moments. Thanks for Being a Part of Ours. | Forever is aloooooong time! Good luck youguys! | Thank you foralways being there. |
True Friendship Is Priceless | Ben:Remember, she's always right. Claire:Remember, you're always right. | Thereis no compass for life, butour friends guide us well. Thankyou for being my best friend. |
Our Wedding Was Even More Special With You In It. Love, Jane | Keep Getting InTrouble. Never Give Up OnAdventure! | I thank God everyday for giving me a best friend andbridesmaid like you. |
Thank you for being a beautiful friend & bridesmaid. | Talkabout limiting your options: "TilDeath Do Us Part" | BridesmaidToday. |
My Sister, Maid of Honor and Best Friend. I Love You So Much! Love, ...... | Wishing You allthe Best in your new lifetogether! In Celebration of the Marriage of... | "A truefriend knows the song in your heart |
You'll always be my best friend. You know too much. | WishingYou a Lifetime ofHappiness Together | Godmade us sisters. |
May your lovegrow more beautifulwith each passingyear. | True friendsrecognize |
Classic | Funny | Touch Their Heart |
Cheers to Good Times, | WhatBachelor Party? | FriendsMake Life Richer |
| Thanks For Making |
True Friendship Is Priceless | TONYDrinks Well | ThanksFor Sharing ThisDay With Us. |
Best Man Once. | You put the"party" | Dad, |
BradThanks For Convincing |
Classic | Funny | TouchTheir Heart |
It doesn't matter | Someday I ,too, hope to find someone | "Youdon't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are tothem." HappyAnniversary Mom & Dad Love...... |
Love Isn't a Matter of Counting the Years, It's Making the Years Count. | Never go to bedmad. Stay up and fight | In celebration of all the wonderfultimes together. Past, present andfuture. |
Love Is Not Measured in Moments of Time, But in Timeless Moments. Happy Anniversary | "Marriedlife teaches oneinvaluable lesson: tothink of things far enough aheadnot to say them." ~JeffersonMachamer | ThisIs What Love Looks Like |
Many years of love and laughter | You two taught me the four mostimportant words in any marriage:"I'll do the dishes." Always andForever... That's How Long I'll Love You | Thanks ForShowing Us How It's Done. Mom And Dad 25 Years ofMarriage |
Happiness is not perfect, until it is shared. Happy Anniversary! | Nanaand Pop 50Years of Loving, Caringand Sharing You'veMade Every Moment WorthRemembering | |
Two Hearts One Love | ||
.... Years of Happiness, Adventure and Fun May you always be each other's greatest gift! Happy Anniversary! |
Classic | Funny | TouchTheir Heart |
You hold the key to my heart. | Ilove you likea fat kid lovescake! | Loveis holding your hand. Loveis stealing kisses. Loveis knowing glances. Loveis what I feel for youevery single day. |
You + Me = Meant To Be | I LOVE YOU. There. I said it! | Love is two souls and one heart. |
The best thing about me is you! | Ilove you morethan football. | Dreamsdo come true. Ifound you. Love,.... |
"Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases, and it pleases wherever it goes." | That feeling downdeep... It's either loveor indigestion. | I love every |
Je t'aime. Te quiero. Ti amo. No matter how you say it, I love you! | Iloved you at first fight. | I'venever been happier thanI am when I'm with you |
I am always by your side. Love, ..... | A picture isworth a thousand words But I only needthree? I love you. | |
I've fallen in love many times... always with you. | Makemy dreams come true. Willyou marry me? |
Birth | Christening | NewBrother - New Sister |
A Star Is Born Michael James November 3, 2010 7 lbs. 4 oz. 19 inches | GodBless OurLittle Angel .............. | Joshua, Yourbig sister is going totake care of you. Love,Lily |
Thank Heaven | A Child Is A GiftFrom God. Gavin John Baptized January9, 2011 Love, YourGodparents | Aiden Official BigBrother |
Welcome to the World, Tyler! | ToHug and to Hold FromThis Day Forward. Congratulationson YourNew Baby! | Congratulationson the promotion. You'renow a big sister. |
SOPHIA | Congratulationson Your New Arrival! | "Sometimesbeing a brother is even betterthan being asuperhero." |
Ten Little Fingers, Ten Little Toes. One Big Miracle. Congratulations on Your New Baby! | Congratulationson the SweetNew Addition toYour Family | "Inthe cookies of life, sistersare the chocolate chips." |
Welcome to the world, little man. We've been waiting for you! | Now I havesomeone to blame... |
Classic | Funny | TouchTheir Heart |
Dream. Believe. Achieve. Succeed. Happy Graduation! | Thebrains come fromMom's side. Nicework, .... | "Liveyour beliefs and you canturn the world around." -HenryDavid Thoreau |
"Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Emerson | It's about time! Congratulations, ..... Class of ...... | May you travelthe world, but always comehome to us. |
Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams. Live the Life You've Imagined. | Don'tStay Up Too Late Studying! | "Successis getting what you want. Happinessis wanting what you get." -DaleCarnegie |
"We know what we are, | "Don't crybecause it's over, smile because ithappened." ~Dr. Seuss | "The futurebelongs to those whobelieve in the beauty oftheir dreams." |
You're Ready To Take On The World. Congratulations! | Breakfastis now officiallya morning meal. | Nanaand Pop 50Years of Loving, Caringand Sharing You'veMade Every Moment WorthRemembering |
Believe in the power of your dreams. Congratulations on your achievement! | Graduation meansnever having to set your alarmclock for noon again. | "It takescourage to grow up and become whoyou really are." -e. e. Cummings |
You've Made Us So Proud. Congratulations on Everything You Have AndWill Continue to Achieve! |
Classic | Funny | Touch Their Heart |
Wishing You a Birthday Filled with Happiness. | You'llalways be my best friend. You know too much. | Dad,thanks for all the times you've beenthere for me. I love you! Happy Birthday |
Cheers to another great year. | The secret tostaying young? Lie about your age. | Every Birthday Holds the Promise Of a Bright New Beginning. |
Hugs & Kisses & Birthday Wishes | "Growingold is mandatory; Growingup is optional." The choice is yours. | Mayyour birthday be unforgettable. |
Count your life by smiles not tears. Count your age by friends not years. | You're still older than me. | It's truly ablessing to have you as afather. Happy Birthday,Pop Thanks forworking so hard to give us the life we have. |
TheOlder I Get, The Better I Was. | Ihope this year is even better than thelast. | |
Age is just anumber. In your case, a very big number. | Grow Old With Me. | |
Somany candles... solittle cake. | "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." ~Abraham Lincoln | |
Thirty: Same as20, but with an extraday needed forrecovery. | Birthdays are filled with yesterday's memories, today's joys and tomorrow's dreams. |
Family & Friends | Pets |
We Will Always Remember You Grandma | Lacey RunAcross That Rainbow Bridge |
You'll Always Be In Our Hearts. | "The dog isa gentleman; I hope to go tohis heaven, not man's." ~Mark Twain |
Grandma Dream -maker. Wish -Granter. Hope -Giver. We Love You Forever! | Maydoggie heaven befilled with trees, chewtoys and plenty of slow squirrels. |
Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. | A greatcompanion. I hope you're purring inheaven. |
There are no goodbyes, wherever we are. You'll always be in our hearts. | "Ilike pigs. Dogs look up to us. Catslook down on us. Pigstreat us as equals." ~WinstonChurchill We'll miss you,Wilbur. |
We'll look back on every day with you as the "good old days. | Ruff You may be gonefrom our lives, butnever from our hearts. Jasper My Dog. My Friend. |
You left too soon. But forever wouldn't have been long enough. | "Ameow massages the heart" We'll Miss You,Callie |
For a short while we held an angel in our arms. |
Classic | Funny | Touch Their Heart |
MOTHER Is Another Word For Love Happy Mother's Day | Ismile because you're my mother. Ilaugh because there is nothing you can doabout it! | Thankyou for alwaysbeing there. Everythingwe are, we are because ofyou. |
My Mother My Best Friend I love my mommy | Mom, You are proofthat not all superheroes wear capes! | All the rightthings in life we learned from you. |
A mother holds her children's hands for a little while, but she holds their hearts forever. Happy Mother's Day | It'sYour Day, Mom. Dad Called The Other364. | Truefamily is never apart. Maybe in distance butnever in heart |
A mother understands what a child does not say | "It's noteasy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it." | I'm so lucky to have a Mom like you! |
You'rethe best Mom in the World! | ToMom From Your Favorite Mistake | Icould only hope tobe as good a mom as you. |
If evolutionreally works, how come mothers only have two hands? | ||
Don'tworry. Youtotally don't look like grandma. |
Classic | Funny | Touch Their Heart |
Every kid needs a hero to look up to. Dad, thanks forbeing mine. | "Afather is a banker provided bynature." | I'mthe father I am because you're the father youare. |
For Our Dad, Who Gave Us the World! We Love You. | Born to Golf, Made to Work | Dad, I'll AlwaysBe Your Little Girl |
Anyone Can Be a Father. It Takes Someone Special To Be a Dad. | It'sYour Day, Dad. Mom Called The Other364. | Dad,I learned to be a father by watching theamazing things you do. |
My Father, My Hero. Happy Father's Day. | Dad, Happy Father'sDay. Your Favorite Son, ...... | A truly rich man is one whosechildren run into his arms when his hands are empty. |
Dad, Thanks for Teaching Me Everything I Know. I Can't Imagine aBetter Father | OfficialDad WithThe Empty Pockets To Prove It | "Thelove ofa family is life's greatestblessing" |
A father is someone you look up to, No matter how tallyou are. | You are the Best Dad in theWorld! | |
Some dads can do it all. Thanks for beingone of them. |
Classic | Funny | Touch Their Heart |
Being with you makes everyday feel like Christmas. | Eat, drink, and MerryChristmas! | ThisChristmas, I'mgiving you my heart. I love you! |
Wishing you a magical holiday season | There's room foreveryone on the nice list! | I will honorChristmas in my heart, and try to keepit all the year ~Charles Dickens |
All I want for Christmas is you. | You'remy secondfavorite fat man.. | Itis Christmas in the heart thatputs Christmas in the air. ~ W.T. Ellis |
Family is the heart of the holiday | May your heartlight up with happiness, peace& love. Merry Christmas | |
May your heart light up with happiness, peace & love. Merry Christmas | "Beingwith you makeseveryday feel like Christmas. |
Congratulations | Recogniton | Retiarment |
"You have to think anyway, so why not think big?" -Donald Trump | "Theladder of success isbest climbed by steppingon the rungs ofopportunity." -Ayn Rand | Timeto stop living at work andstart working at living. Happy Retirement! |
This Is Your Moment to Shine! Congratulations on Your Promotion. | "Success isnever final, and failure isnever fatal." ~Winston Churchill | Live well. Laugh often. Love retirement. |
Congratulations! It is spirit, drive and dedication like yours that have made our company what it is today! | MayContinued Success Always Be Yours | Mayyour retirement be the time ofyour life! Your Friends at........ |
Measure Success by Hard Work and Loving What You Do. Congratulations on Your Achievement. | In Recognition Of .............................. When it comes to being an outstanding partner, you wrote the book! | Enjoy yourretirement and a brand new beginning. |
For outstanding service and commitment to excellence | Thereis only one success- tobe able to spend your life in your own way. |
Business | Family | Friends |
Success is making dreams come true Thanks for helping us become #1. | Thankyou for all your love andsupport. | Howbeautiful a day can be when kindness touchesit. |
In appreciation of your years of dedication | Thank you foralways making every moment count. | Thank you for all your love and support. |
For outstanding service and commitment to excellence | Bloodis thicker than water, andyou prove that all the time. Thank you. | Yourkindness and understandingis an amazing gift. Thank you. |
Your Hard Work And Dedication Has Not Gone Unnoticed. Thank You For All You Do. | I can never repay you for all you do for me. Thank you, and I love you. | A note to thankyou for the beautyyou bring into the world. |
Thank you for all your help. We couldn't have done it without you. |
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